Sunday 19 June 2011

Flow of life

When you’re not in flow with life you are in resistance, being in the flow is following your heart, forcing yourself down a path means resisting the natural life flow that carries us forward. Giving your energy to something you have inner resistance to but feel you ‘should’ be doing because of some conditioned belief is like putting your energy into a black hole, a life sucking empty void that once it has you in it’s grip can be very difficult to pull yourself out of.  I let the systems push me and accepted other people’s goals but each time I achieved them there was always the next one to aim for, eventually I realised the illusory nature of this, it was empty and completely unfulfilling to me.

Life is not meant to be a never ending struggle, the struggle comes when you resist the events and circumstances of your life, once you reach a place of acceptance of all that has gone before and is happening now you find freedom and a sense of peace in your heart that trust in life can grow from. When we live in fear of life our natural inquisitiveness and desire to discover new experiences diminishes, we create a safe place that we feel in control where we think nothing painful can disturb us but this is an illusion because we can’t escape pain forever. Closing our heart because of past hurt means we just have the pain of loneliness and longing to cope with instead. By creating a comfort zone that we control the borders of we may succeed in keeping pain out temporarily but we also block opportunities for life to bring the unexpected good things that would enrich our life and bring joy in our efforts to avoid the ‘bad’.

Sunshine and shadows
It’s like wanting the sunshine without the shadow, that transient form that as long as the sun is shining is always with us. We cannot live wholly without overcoming fear of our shadow self and accepting the need to sit in it’s shade sometimes instead of always trying to be in the light of positive feelings in our safe comfort zone. Trusting in life means opening your heart to all experiences that flow through it, just accepting whatever comes without attaching any specific meaning allows you to expand your consciousness and to accept events that in the past you would continually interpret to reinforce self-limiting beliefs.

A natural consequence of letting go of the fear is that your heart opens so you are able to send love into the field of consciousness where it’s received by others and returned to you. It may come from a different place than where you sent it or in a different form than what you gave but you’re heart will always feel it when it comes from the heart of another.  

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