About this blog

"When you feel you have reached the end and that you cannot go one step further, when life seems to be drained of all purpose; what a wonderful opportunity to start all over again, to turn over a new page"
Eileen Caddy

This blog is about my heart path journey and to help me reflect on life events that led me to finally realise that for me, life needs to be lived from the heart not from fear and anxiety or by following other people's rules. I hope it will help others who have strayed from their true path and who may like me, not realise just how far they have drifted from it. There are many paths to choose from in the world, we all travel hopefully but sometimes we find a chosen path turns out to be a dead end.

The lesson I've learned over the last 3 years is that if you find yourself in a dead end you don't have to stay there. Even though it may feel like you've invested so much in something or someone and you don't want to 'start again' because it means letting go of people and places you rely on. Even though you feel fear of the unknown and uncertainty about the future. It is still better to step off the familiar and seemingly safe path you are on and start down one that you feel in your heart is right for you.

If this resonates with you then don't worry you are not alone. There is always a way back to your heart path. Go somewhere quiet and listen to your heart, and know that you will find all the answers you will ever need there...