Sunday 1 July 2012

It's been a long time

It's been a long time since my last post and I've been busy after finally finding my new path and beginning to walk it.  My trip ended last September in Findhorn and I realised that after travelling around to all those different places that Sussex was the place I felt most at home. Like Santiago in The Alchemist who went on a long journey only to find himself back where he began with the realisation that all he needed was within himself, I discovered the most important aspect of my outward travelling had been my inner journey. I spent 3 months completing The Artists Way, a wonderful guide to help people re-connect with their creativity. Many things came from doing the morning pages, a free association writing exercise you commit to doing every morning. I began drawing again and started turning my heart path journal into a book and then one morning as I was waking up I had a vision of a little bird peddling furiously on a wooden cart around some tracks. Within 20 minutes I had drawn the bird and written the story and spent the next month creating 'The bird that did not know she was one", a modern fable about finding happiness through living your true nature. I have been sending it to publishers and even though I haven't found one yet who wants to publish it I will continue sending it out and may eventually publish it myself. I have also trained in a therapy called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Matrix Reimprinting which is a recent evolution of EFT so my new path is one of a therapist and artist. I feel very happy to have found my true purpose which is what my heart was looking for. My EFT website will be launched soon and will include my new blog called Living from the heart..where the journey will continue. Wishing you all happiness and joy in your heart and thanks for reading my blog love amy x